Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Grandparent's Day

Grandparent's Day 

 Today, The Moderately Active Ohioan had the pleasure of going to grandparent’s day at the new Gorsuch West Elementary School.  It was a lovely day of rain so a hundred kids and their grandparents were inside.  No recess for me.  I was hoping to get a look at the new playground equipment. It will have to wait for the next visit.
 The new Gorsuch West is a beautiful building.  Gone are the utilitarian buildings of old.  It has air conditioning, a large computer resource center, a music room, and security. Visually, it is stunning. In comparison to the old buildings it is a great improvement. A modern building that is ready to take our grandchildren into the decades ahead.
 There is more security at the school than I ever remember seeing at any time when I was in school.  We did have the lady at the crosswalk.  If memory serves, she could be quite intimidating but that was about it. Higher security is a sign of the times as much as the need for computers. I don’t think it is going away.
 The rooms did not seem as large.  This may be my faulty memory. Perhaps this is because I am no longer a child and don’t see everything as being giant. I do not know the class size, but I estimate around twenty to twenty-five kids per class. Every space was being utilized. It is a 360 degree educational environment.  
 The air conditioning was nice. It is one thing I wish I had when I was in school. I can remember sitting in class and being so hot I couldn’t think.  It has to make the learning environment better.
 The computer resource room had dozens of computers. It was connected to the library. That is convenient. The library seemed a bit small and didn’t have as many books as I remember. My memory of the school library was wall to wall, floor to ceiling books. Perhaps this is another sign of the times.  Books are going digital. I did see racks of books in the classroom I visited. Perhaps, the books have been distributed throughout the school.
 The music room is part of the stage. It is partitioned off with a folding wall that can be opened up during assemblies.  The stage is part of the cafeteria and gymnasium and walls can be opened up to make the area larger for school or public use.

 I spent time with the little best buddy in his classroom. It was clean and orderly. He showed me all of his things and where he puts his coat. We talked about all the important things that second graders talk about. I don’t think I am biased when I say that he is the best little second grader in the school.
 In no time at all it was time for lunch. He took my hand and we got in line. Line placement is very important. He said it was okay that we were last because he was with me. I didn’t care because I was with him.
 The lunch with the best buddy was nice.  It is much different than when we were younger. I had a fresh garden salad with cubed ham, strawberries, a banana, a bagel, string cheese, and chocolate milk. All was served in or on disposable containers. The utensils were also disposable. There must not be much to wash. That seems like a waste, but it must make things easier. I miss the Bunker Hill Rolls.
 We talked about lunch and friends and anything else that popped into his mind. He likes green peppers and he ate them first. We talked about his garden and how much he loves it. We talked about how he likes his new school and his friends. He informed me that he is a very good boy. I believe him.
 The day ended with all the second graders singing songs for the grandparent. A mass of little kids moved toward the stage. All of the little ones were jostling for the best position to see their grandparents. The best buddy was all smiles. Songs were sung. You can always tell the parts they like the best. They sing louder and faster and movement becomes more animated. It was adorable.   
 It was soon time to leave. Hugs and kisses all around. I walked back with him to get my special picture he drew for me. A few tears and I left.
 The Moderately Active Ohioan is a big soft marshmallow. If you are a grandparent, don’t miss these special moments. They end too quickly.

 Looking back in time, I cannot remember who my second grade teacher was.  I don’t remember too many things specifically about anything in elementary school. What I do remember is having a love of reading and having that nurtured in a wonderful library.  I remember creative time as much as learning math. I remember thinking and writing, singing and laughing. I remember friends and happiness.
 Gorsuch West is a wonderful new building. It has been filled with grandma’s hope and inspiration. I hope the best buddy finds his elementary experience to be fulfilling. I hope he finds happiness in education. I hope his world expands enough to fill the wonderful space he is in and beyond. I hope the teachers are ready to meet the hopes and expectations that we have for all our best little buddies.

Good luck Buddy.         

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